Connecting to the booking engine with custom options

The following parameters can be used when connecting to the booking engine.

ParameterRequiredData typeDefaultDescription
Hotel ID Yes Number Null The hotel ID of the hotel you wish to make a booking at.
Channel ID No Number 1 The channel ID you wish to make bookings against.
Arrival No Date Today's date (2024-12-21) The arrival date you would like to set for the booking.
Nights No Number 1 The number of nights you would like to set for the booking.
Guests No Number 2 The number of guests you would like to set for the booking.
Language ID No Number 0 The language ID you would like to set for the booking.
Language No String en-gb The language code you would like to set for the booking.
Iframe No True|False False Set whether or not you are loading the engine in an iframe.
Booked Via No Number Null Set the booked via ID for the booking.
Account ID No Number 0 Set the account ID for the booking.
Member ID No Number Null Set the member ID for the booking.
Filters No Comma separated ID's Null Set any pre selected filters for the booking.
maxGuestsPreselected No True|False True The rate selection will default to the maximum number of sleepers a room supports, or the maximum number of guests searched for. False will disable this.
referCode No String Null Referer text, prepended to the notes field of a booking.
